Carlos Manuel Faísca (;) has a History degree and a Masters degree in Information and Documentation Science by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon (FCSH-UNL). He is currently enrolled in the Inter-University PhD Program in History (PIUDH) at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon – Area of specialization Institutions and Economic Development.
He is a researcher in the project Prices, Wages and Rents in Portugal: 14th-20th centuries, financed by FCT and research fellow in the project Agriculture in Portugal: food, sustainability and development (1870-2010), also financed by FCT, under the scientific guidance of Doutora Dulce Freire.
- Most relevant publications (as an author and co-author):
He is the author of some publications in scientific journals, such as “Weeding process in Portuguese University Libraries”, Páginas A&B (Information Sciences) and “The price of the crisis: living standards in 17th Century Portugal”, Revista de História da Sociedade da Cultura, as well as a book review: “Creating Wine: The emergence of a World Industry, 1840-1914” published in Business History.